The Pipe Tunes of Pipe Major A


10 in stock


Some years ago, through the good offices of Hector Russell, Glasgow and Maggie Smith, Achmore, the pipe tunes were lodge in the archives of Kinloch Historical Society.

To ensure their availability to pipers in the future, we now bring them together in this publication, along with biographical details and family photographs. Where space allowed we have included pipe tunes as recorded in Alex Maciver’s own hand.

Pipe Major Alex Mackenzie MacIver was the son of John MacIver and Catherine MacKenzie. He was born in Glasgow, one of a family of our, with two sisters, Cathie and Isobel and a brother, Donald.

On his return from military service in India 1947, he joined the 214th Boys Brigade in Glasgow as pipe tutor and composed many practice pieces and tunes, he successfully led the 214 BB Pipe Band to many Championship victories, winning the Juvenile Championship of the World no less than seven times. He tutored many young pipers who went to be renowned pipers in their own right.

This is a collection of his works.

Also available is the CD: ‘Piping Recital by Roderick J Macleod MBE featuring some of the tunes composed by Pipe Major Alex M MacIver

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Weight 13.05 oz


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